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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: The Update function is not available and there are no references in the program, why?
Answer: If you reinstall the program or install a new version the reference database is reset. You can restore all references by selecting menu Program->References... and in the dialog select menu Synchronize... (more about synchronization...).
Question: Where are the reports for my income-tax return?
Answer: The reports are included in the web report (menu Value->Report) (example). Data for income-tax, average cost, and FIFO are included the report.
Note! If you want reports for a specific taxation year you must first define the accounting period under menu Program->Settings.
Question: Why am I having difficulties in registering my program?
Answer: You may have to run the program as Administrator during registration and/or temporarily disable antivirus software (more).
Question: Why is tax not calculated correctly for my assets?
Answer: You may have to adjust the tax rates or which tax method to use, menu Program->Types->Values...
Question: In some cases I can't read the labels on pie charts?
Answer: If the labels are difficult to read you can click on the pie chart to get an explanation. A popup window will show the label for the part of the chart you clicked on. This works both in the Windows interface and in the web report.
Question: Does OmniValue support mixed currencies?
Answer: Yes, you can have assets denominated in different currencies in the same document (more...).
Question: Does OmniValue support double entry accounting?
Answer: No, OmniValue is a single entry accounting system. However, the advanced transaction model in OmniValue can not be directly compared to a traditional accounting system based on deposits and withdrawals on accounts. (more...)